Славянский город 9-10 веков в Восточном Мекленбурге

Feb 16, 2016 14:20

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Glienke. Eine slawische Burg des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts im östlichen Mecklenburg.

(University of Leicester)Glienke. Eine slawische Burg des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts im östlichen Mecklenburg.
(Frühmittelalterliche Archäologie zwischen Ostsee und Mittelmeer, Band 5). By Sebastian Messal.

This substantial volume presents excavation results from Glienke in NE Germany, c 120 km north of Berlin and 60 km west of the present-day German-Polish border. The 1999-2001 excavations revealed almost all of a 9th- to 10th-century  AD  fortified settlement of near rect-angular plan, c 75 × 90 m, along with parts of an adjacent contemporary settlement/ bailey outside of the timber and earth ramparts of the main fortification; the bailey appears to have been defended by a moat (pp 21-49). Wooden remains, mainly from the ramparts, helped es-tablish the site chronology (34-5, 234-7). Both the main fortification and the adjacent settle-ment contained remains of houses; some had a sunken floor, at least in their central part, while others were placed at ground level. It is assumed that most houses were built in log construction and used sill-beams. The area of the main fortification shows a planned structure with houses arranged in rows, while the bailey was less organised (50-7, 65-70). The site exhibited a rich range of craft activities, including a smithy, as well as remains of tar production and tools for various crafts, including woodworking. However, these activities appear centred on catering for the inhabitants of the settlement; specialised production or large-scale trade was not identified (97-120, 132-7). Elements of material culture, including part of a sword-pommel and spurs, suggest the presence of local elites here, which are identified as leaders of Slavic groups ori-ented towards the Carolingian world, based on the historical record (132-66, 199-204).The Glienke site was excavated ahead of motorway construction and is one of the few sites from development-led archaeology to receive detailed publication. The relatively recent excavation guarantees a modern standard of documentation, even if one takes into account the constraints of development-led work. Most importantly, the site represents a practically fully excavated 9th- to 10th-century fortification and large parts of the adjacent bailey. These aspects, together with the detailed and comprehensive analysis of the site and all find categories, including botanical and faunal remains (217-33), make this volume a valuable contribution to early medieval archaeology and provide a basis for comparison for future work.

(University of Exeter)
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Вопрос, прежде всего к ув. А. паулю - ну, и к другим членам сообщества, владеющим немецким -  - может быть есть более подробная информация по этому городу?

Сам планирую в ближайшие пару месяцев на той же Академия.еду пособирать статьи по мораским городам 9-го века и сравнить их по площади с полабскими, интересно, что получится

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