What up.

Mar 01, 2006 18:18

This week has been going by pretty fast. Monday after school I went to Marquette with my mom and Neily to look at my dress:) Then we came back here, Neily left and I took a nap. Bill came here, then we went to Kohl's and I bought shoes. Then we went to eat at Applebee's:) After that we came back here n' just hung out. Tuesday after school I went to the Y, came home, then Neily n' Bethy came here. We got ready, then went to our last home basketball game ever:( So saddd:( I DON'T WANT TO GRADUATE! kasddjfasld;kfj. Anyways, Good Game Boys!:) After the game Neily brought me home and I went to bed. I didn't go to school this morning, cause well, I couldn't really move. a;ldjsf, I went at 12 though. After school Neily came here, and yes, we took a nap. Heather came here, then Neily left. Heather and I went to the highschool cause we were suppose to have Gymnastics, but noone was there, so we just went to the Y. Afterwards we went to Subway. Now I'm home, and I think I'm gonna watch "The Notebook"<3.

Tomorrow after school I'm gonna go to the Y I believe, then hang out with Bill. Friday I have no idea what's going on. Saturday, I'm gonna go get my dress:) Sunday I work 9-3, then no idea. I'm suppose to go clean the Negaunee Subway sometime this weekend too?

Well, I'm off.
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