Last-minute? Me? Naaaaaw....

Jan 12, 2009 17:49

nalroth and I have clearly lost it, as we have decided to paint our condo during this conveniently scheduled three- (or four-)day weekend.

Following the theory "many hands make light work", and also realizing this would be an excellent excuse to splurge on pizza and fine beer (and/or cider), if anyone finds themselves suddenly afflicted with the burning desire to purge our house of "renter's beige" (and/or engage nalroth and I in paint-roller fights), we would love any and all personages to our home! Drop a comment here or let nalroth and I know if and when you'd like to come. We'll be doing most of the prep-work and priming on Saturday and Sunday, with most of the actual painting occurring Monday. This is a general, "Hey, this is what's up", not an "OMG halp!!"-- any sudden fluctuation in our love for you is not in any way, shape, or form related to your presence this weekend.

.. Did I mention the pizza and beer? Or cider? Or scotch? :)
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