lazy day

Dec 22, 2009 10:39

oh boy, I love being able to just sit in bed all morning.

so this sunday I had an EXCELLENT time doing a photoshoot with a bunch of good friends and photographer danielle levitt. I had to head home before the interviews, which I was somewhat disappointed about, but she took what I hope are some good photos of me and I can't wait to get them. the whole thing was just a big party hahaha. sam, ellen, brianna, rachel, emily, lola and arvid were all there, along with some other miscellaneous people that I hadn't met before. lots of rowdy teenagers and a fridge full of beer..which I'm pretty sure wasn't meant for us, but they dug into it any way. I didn't partake, but I did smoke a little with this cool chick fiona, and that was pleasant.

yesterday I went and did that other blood test, but it turned out they wanted a urine sample as well. I was there for like 2 hours. I drank so much water I made myself sick holy shit hahahaha my body just would not pee. but when I eventually finished up there I headed over to lola's and hung about for a bit with her, shawn and snake-rachel; we made some dinner (pasta with me and lola's failbuttersauce, to be replaced by shawn's delicious peanut sauce), and then I chilled at jessie's and drank some tea. and then I headed home with some serious stomach cramps from the massive amount of food I had eaten.

after three days of just dicking around I think I should get down to some of what I actually need to accomplish this winter break, so I'm going to make a list:
- wrap my all of my mom's christmas presents (just noticed they're all still sitting in the retail bags...thanks for the help, bill hahah)
- make christmas cards for everyone...obviously, with the exception of my parents, to be delivered post-christmas
1. mom
2. bill
3. lola
4. emily
5. siena
6. jessica
7. rachel
8. shawn
9. other rachel
10. brianna
11. sam
12. ellen
13. lucy }
14. sofia } chorus buddies
15. maybe some more people from the volunteer crew if I have time?
- get christmas presents for everyone (with a budget of about $100..this is gonna be fun)
- do english homework
- do art homework
- read chapter 9 in chemistry text book
- register for scholastic art contest
- make/sew more shit
- finish reading zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
- order a new ipod with my paycheck from the summer once the after-christmas sales begin
- listen to more music
- stop being a coward and act like myself in front of my relatives for once
- I hope that's it? I feel as if I'm forgetting something...


photoshoot, shawn, lola, presents, christmas, ellen, cooking, emily, blood test, tea, jessica, arvid, rachel, to do, brianna

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