
Nov 14, 2010 14:33

I had a lovely time in bellmore getting completely zooted off my ass and made a loooooong overdue phone call while I was on my way home:

when he answered I almost flipped my shit, and I was like "hey! hey! it's skylar!" and he was like "I know, your number is still in my phone" hahaha. we talked about how he and ketchup left the city in a super hurry because they got kicked down a lot of money and wanted to be out before they blew it all, so they really didn't say goodbye to anyone. he's in colorado right now, I'm guessing denver, seeing as that's where he's from originally. thinking of heading south to texas or to seattle. I dunno if he's still even with ketchup, he was saying how "I" plan to do this and "I" plan to do that so he might be alone. I don't even care, I was just soooo happy to talk to him again after all these months. he said he was happy I called, too. damn, I didn't think I'd miss homeboy as much as I did <3.


illy, randomness, friends, omg, fun, long island

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