Two chapters to go!
Duel 58: Millenium Enemy 9: The White Wizard Bakura
(Bakura's apartment)
Honda: Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!, my magic gunman blew a freakin' big hole in Zorc's side. Wonder if this means Bakura's intestines are back under his own control?
Yami: But it wouldn't have been possible without the miniature Bakura using his magic on our behalf.
Bakura: Shucks, 'tweren't nothin'.
Graverobber: Okay, now I'm really, really angry. Really this time. It's time to pull another cheesy power out of Zorc's ass.
Yami: This is it! DM vs. Players! Two men go in, one comes out!
Yugi: Oh, great. Now Zorc's pulling the old "behold my true form" trick.
Graverobber: And now, Zorc's ultimate attack, Zorc Inferno! Note that I am using the word "ultimate" incorrectly.
Bakura: It's a big attack. Good thing this system allows me to burn hit points to fuel my magical shield.
Honda: It's helpful that these little signs appear to tell us how many hit points we have left. Too bad none of us are in double digits anymore.
Bakura: Okay, we gotta win before Zorc attacks again, because I am out of tricks.
Graverobber: Uh-oh. I hope they dont' notice Last Zorc's one weakness.
Yugi: But if Last Zorc is so tough, why did he wait so long to transform?
Yami: Because "true forms" always have a weak point. In this case, the muzzle of Zorc's death weapon exposes his real eye.
Yugi: But the opening is already closing, and it'll be gone before my initiative!
Graverobber: Too bad, so sad.
Poki: Po! Ki-Chu! (Time for the cute animal sidekick to do his thing!)
Graverobber: Dang. Why do we evil masterminds *always* forget about the cute animal sidekick until it clogs itself in a closing orifice?
Poki: Pokii Pokii! (I will prove my friendship by allowing myself to be blasted to destroy the bad guy.)
Jonouchi: Thanks for making that friendship speech, thus raising our chances of success. I'll raise it even further by refusing to kill a friend even to take out a villain.
Yugi: My beast tamer attacks with his magic glove, not only punching completely *through* Zorc, but safely extricating Poki as well.
Jonouchi: And it's the warrior's turn, with another critical, bringing Zorc down to one hit point! I rock!
Graverobber: Well, except for the part where it's the end of the turn, so we have to roll for initiative again. And you can bet that I plan to cheat like mad to make sure I win that roll.
Yami: This would be a good point to have a cliffhanger, don't you think?