This is a character for the Baltimore New Guard campaign being set up at the Global Guardians site.
Real Name: Muhammed Ali Brown
Player Name: Scott K. Jamison
Affiliation: Former student of Venture Institute
Hair: Gray, worn in an afro
Eyes: Gray
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 182 kg
Nationality: United States of America
Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland
Age: 18
Background Story: "I have no son!"
Muhammed Brown's father slammed the door, and the teenager could hear it being locked from the inside. Muhammed pounded on it for a few minutes, but there was no answer. That had not gone at all well.
Muhammed had known for some years that he was different from the other boys, and he'd finally admitted it. First to himself, then to a friend at school (who'd become something rather more), and to the school counselor. The last had encouraged him to come out to his father, but that had proved a disastrous mistake. The elder Brown turned out to be adamantly homophobic, and the argument that resulted had resulted in Muhammed being kicked out of the house.
Upon calming down, Muhammed realized that his own loss of temper hadn't helped matters, but he knew his father wasn't going to open that door any time soon. It was time to pursue other lifestyle options.
Life on the streets is hard, especially for a kid who didn't want to run with a gang or sell himself to a pimp. Muhammed was able to crash at classmates' houses once or twice a week, but he was missing a lot of school. That wasn't good, he knew, because eventually someone would ask questions and his father might get in trouble. And since Mr. Brown was the sole support of Muhammed's two little brothers, the teenager didn't want that to happen.
After a few weeks, Muhammed hooked up with some other homeless kids who'd found a decent squat. The Cockrum Chemicals warehouse had been severely damaged in the Blood Red King's attack a few years before, and the company had gone bankrupt. Redevelopment had stalled on the property because it was a hazardous materials site, and no one wanted to pay the extra costs. The kids had found a weakness in the fence, and an underground section of the warehouse that was dry and warmable. It even had a shower room! (No water, though.)
Unfortunately, teenagers, even homeless ones, seldom leave well enough alone, and a seemingly useless hunk of metal was actually holding the roof up. In the ensuing collapse, chemicals from several vats poured into the basement. Muhammed made sure that the other squatters got out safely, but ended up nearly drowning in a noxious, viscous flood.
When Muhammed woke up, he felt heavy and there were two men in dark suits looking down at him.
"Damndest thing I ever saw," said one. "But at least he's alive."
"Sure you don't mean *it*?" sniped the other.
"Nope, definitely a 'he.' Hey, kid, can you hear me?"
Muhammed soon learned that his body had somehow been transformed into a stone-like substance, despite which he could still move. He was very strong now, and his skin was nearly impenetrable. Sadly, his heart was much more vulnerable. When Muhammed's father showed up and turned away immediately, the boy was plunged into despair.
The men in the dark suits, who had turned out to be government agents, entered the hospital room a short while later. The taller one pulled some papers from his briefcase.
"Well, Mr. Brown, it looks like your father isn't going to be a whole lot of help. Something about disowning you. Fortunately for you, your little skin condition qualifies you for some educational assistance." When Muhammed indicated his lack of understanding, the agent continued. "There's a new school opening up for metahuman teenagers. It's called the Venture Institute. I have to tell you, it's a pig in a poke and you might hate it there, but from where I'm sitting, you don't have a lot of other choices."
"I have kind of reached rock bottom, haven't I?" joked Muhammed, laughing for the first time in weeks.
At the Venture Institute, Muhammed (now going by Rock Bottom) met his fellow students, and discovered that he was neither the worst off nor the most useless. Indeed, Rock Bottom bloomed and became a capable leader. He also managed to regain all the ground he'd lost at school, and graduate with sufficiently good grades to get a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University, with his expenses further defrayed by agreeing to be studied by the JHU School of Medicine.
Now Rock Bottom has heard about the formation of the New Guard, and wants to sign up.
Quote: "At this point, it is incumbent on me to make reference to the phrase 'Rock and roll.'"
Quote about him: "This is one fellow you *really* don't wanna kick in the balls."--Buck Naked.
Personality: Muhammed is a personable young man who likes tennis and pizza. He has a knack for making friends, and has shown leadership potential. He is, however, increasingly frustrated by a limited (at best) selection of romantic partners, and still stung by his father's refusal to accept him. He is determined to prove a better man than his father would believe through using his powers for good.
Despite his name, Muhammed Ali Brown is neither a Muslim nor a big boxing fan. Presently, he's an agnostic, but is open to discussing other beliefs. He has, however, decided that he must never use his powers to kill. Rock Bottom hasn't made a firm decision on a major yet, but is strongly considering Physics or Chemistry. He is a quick study.
Appearance: Rock Bottom is about 5'8" tall, not including his afro, and weighs a little over four hundred pounds (if he were normal flesh he'd weigh about 160). His hair, skin and eyes are a uniform shade of dark gray, with the texture of granite. Because RB's hair and nails still grow, he must visit a sculptor periodically to get them trimmed. His features are clean and well-defined, with a chiseled chin.
When not being a superhero, Muhammed wears sturdy clothing suitable for a college student over his costume. The costume itself is forest green biker shorts and muscle shirt with a red belt.
Powers: As a result of Muhammed's genetic material interacting with an unique cocktail of chemicals, his flesh has been transformed into a stone-like substance. He is now endowed with superhuman strength and nigh-indestructability. Despite his weight, Rock Bottom is quite agile and capable of running at an impressive speed. His best maneuver is "the Wabash Cannonball", a trick where RB runs straight at an opponent, rolling himself into a ball at the last moment to focus the impact.
Rock Bottom's new biochemistry is a double-edged sword. While it makes him difficult to affect with poisons or toxins, it also means that most conventional medical techniques don't work well either. The slightly rigid nature of his skin makes Muhammed vulnerable to attacks that vibrate it, such as sonic frequencies. Also, his high relative density causes Rock Bottom to have negative buoyancy in water (he sinks like a stone.)
Rock Bottom believes in teamwork, and will try to coordinate with his colleagues whenever possible. His "role" is as damage sponge, and he likes to tie down an opponent while his teammates move in for the finish.
50 Strength 60
18 Dexterity 16
30 Constitution 25
20 Body 20
4 Intelligence 14
2 Ego 11
5 Presence 15
1 Comeliness 12
28 Physical Defense 40
15 Energy Defense 20
14 Speed 4
0 Recovery 11
0 Endurance 50
2 Stun 65
Combat and Rolls
OCV 5 DCV 5 ECV 4 Phases: 3,6,9,12
Strength Roll 21-, Dexterity Roll 12-, Constitution Roll 14-, Intelligence Roll 12-, Perception Roll 12-, and Ego Rolls 11-
rPD 40 rED 20 Running Speed 12"
13 "Efficient Muscles" Reduced Endurance on 60 Strength +1/4, Endurance Cost 3
30 "Stone Body" Damage Resistance for 40 PD/20 ED
10 "Heavy" Knockback Resistance, -5" KB
12 "Faster than you'd think" +6" Running (12" total), Endurance Cost 2
7 "Weird biochemistry" 10 points Power Defense, only vs. biochemistry-affecting attacks -1/2
13 "Weird biochemistry" Life Support: Immune to all terrestrial diseases, biowarfare agents, poisons and chemical warfare agents, Activation 14- -1/2
3 Area Knowledge: Baltimore 12-
2 Area Knowledge: Minneapolis 11-
2 Athletic Skill: Tennis 11-
2 Athletic Skill: Track 11-
3 Breakfall 12-
3 Climbing 12-
15 Combat Skill Levels: +3 levels w/hand-to-hand combat
10 "Wabash Cannonball" Combat Skill Levels: +5 OCV w/Move-Through
5 Cramming N/A
2 Knowledge Skill: American History 11-
2 Knowledge Skill: Famous Metahumans 11-
2 Knowledge Skill: GLBT History 11-
2 Knowledge Skill: Science History 11-
1 Languages: Basic Spanish (English native)
3 Oratory 12-
1 Science: Biology 8-
1 Science: Chemistry 8-
1 Science: Geology 8-
1 Science: Mathematics 8-
1 Science: Physics 8-
3 Streetwise 12-
5 Teamwork 13-
4 Contact: FBI Agent (useful skills, has contacts) 11-
2 Contact: Principal Hillman of Venture Institute (good relationship) 8-
200 Base Points
20 Distinctive Features: Obvious Superhuman (looks like a moving statue!)
10 Hunted (Mystery Hunted, as powerful, 8-, mild punishment)
10 Physical Limitation: Unusually heavy (about 400 lbs.)
15 Physical Limitation: Weird Biochemistry requires specialized medical care (like a rock)
10 Physical Limitation: Sinks like a stone (Incapable of swimming or floating; uncommon, greatly limiting)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing
10 Psychological Limitation: Must prove himself worthy of his father's respect (uncommon, strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Panics in deep water (uncommon, strong)
15 Social Limitation: Permanent ID (looks like a moving statue)
20 Vulnerablity: 2x STUN from Sonics and Vibratory attacks (rigid body structure)
10 Watched by FBI 8- (as powerful, NCI, character easy to find)
Point Total
189 Characteristics
161 Powers, Skills & Perks
350 Overall