Nov 09, 2010 18:16
Mum leaving for hospital in the morning. She will be staying minimum of one night, could be 2 or 3 though (or more) no ones certain until after op.
this type of knee operation is usally done under general anaesthetic as day sugery but with my mothers health complications and her role as carer to both myself and my father they are being carefull - general anaesthetic can trigger asthma problems :( They don't know if she will be on crutches or not when she comes out, but after keyhole sugery on her worst arthritic and scarred joint they should know better how long mum can go without the full knee replacement.
they are worried about mum resting afterwards and about her healing, nurse knew enough about parkinsons to ask mum how bad dads night tremors/spasms are.
My usual morning carer will be helping with my breakfast and mum has left microwave meals in the fridge for me and dad. i can have yoghurt for lunch myself or toast if swallowing ok and can balance well enough to manage. lucky have 1 hour with a carer tomorrow afternoon so if too stressed will go out for a bit then and she can help me with lunch. or may just ask carer to take me out to cafe for lunch so i can have a break.
All holidays and respite weeks, included those already booked have been cancelled by social services. I am owed one week for this financial year that i doubt i can have now... plus also means there is no chancee of me staying elsewhere while mum recovering.
Nan will prob check on me and dad, and my morning carer is willing to put dads shoes and socks on for him, and i can help him take jackets and shirts on/off if he is having a bad day. am scared i will feel responsible for him, having to do with even less care during the day myself and worrying about mum at same time.
i uave very low reserves at present, physically and emotionally, so plan is to watch dvds in bed and rest while mum is away, and visit by taxi if she has to stay in more than a night or so.