With housing in our area you have to place bids on a website for housing that suits your needs and then the highest priority people are invited to see the property and can refuse 2 or 3 places if its not as they want it.
A 3 bedroom house council house is up for bidding at the moment, I need two bedrooms so I have a bedroom for a live in carer as well as me, and there have been times when the extra bedroom is changed into a platform through ceiling lift for full wheelchair access. Councils encourage disabled people to bid on anything that matches their needs because the property will be renovated and made fully accessible to their needs before they move in.
As this house is 15 minutes walk from my parents house before bidding we went to look at the outside of teh house and the general area. The house was nice, looks old fashioned but hopefully I will get some help to redecorate etc. Dad took photos outside and found me the google map so can see more of the area. It has farmland behind the house as well as woodlands and Jubilee park very near by - and it has a back garden and small front garden/paved area so a wheelchair ramp wouldn't be too dificult for them to build :)
Major problem at the moment is mum can't place bid because it wrongly says we can only bid on one bedroom places when should be able to bid on two bedroom places for me and live in carer and in this case the 3rd bedroom would become a platform lift as they have done elsewhere recently for a woman in simmilar situation to me.
Mum has got rent details etc, some pets are allowed... but its going to be fingers crossed and lots of hope. other places near here are usually for over 55s only and retirement/sheltered bungalows.
Care manager coming tomorrow and mum calling about bidding problem at 9am in hope we get on the list of people who have placed bid and then they will choose the highest banded people, with an eviction letter as well I have a chance, but its a small one. But it is still a measure of hope...
This is the Google map, the house is the one with the wire fence and some grass area in front garden:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=br2+8ds&sll=51.383852,0.070101&sspn=0.000462,0.001086&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bromley,+Kent+BR2+8DS,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.381772,0.056691&spn=0,359.972577&z=15&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=51.381682,0.056635&panoid=uYlyjd8bDHwCna0WPlxLkQ&cbp=12,177.15,,0,6.44 I never normally ask for prayers or thoughts, but any goodwill towards finding somewhere to live with 24 hour care and full wheelchair access will improve my quality of life very much. Both my parents have degenerative condiions, naturally I have seen both of them become more disabled and now the pressure and struggle is getting too much for all of us. Dad needs mum to help him get dressed sometimes and needs emotional support as well as physical from her, leaving my mum too drained to cope with her own problems let alone manage mine as well, I think love is the only thing that has kept us going sometimes.