Nov 05, 2008 22:50
Things I have discovered recently:
I am a nerd. A total fucking nerd.
I really enjoy contemporary Scandinavian folk - in addition to reconstructionist/experimental folk.
Fossils… I think I could love fossils nearly as much as amber jewellery etc… (appreciating that amber is on the fossil side of life itself!) Just that shimmer of energy, of something so ancient it makes the full span of human achievement flicker out with a depth of awe that never seems to fade. I have a particular interest in ammonites (inc goniatites) Orthoceras - as much for being cheaply available on Ebay as for their own innate beauty and age! As well as petrified/fossilised wood. I have taken to keeping tumblestone type variants of the later by my bed :)
Triops longicaudatus and brine shrimp, in other words Triops and Sea Monkeys. I have made attempts to hatch tanks of both… raising an army of three-eyed, 70 legged, bisexual, hermaphrodite and cannibalistic crustaceans is definitely the way to go ;) So far I have life, it is just very small and not as much fun as the marvellous little monsters I should have in a few weeks!
The more I read/discover/have my own UPG - the more I marvel at Heathenry and its ancestral routes - and the amazing abilities and insight given to people who were raised within one system of thought distilled to its purity heart. Though I appreciate cultural crossover between tribal areas and trade etc - the thought of gaining from birth to death an increasing metaphysical/spiritual knowledge based in one main system (that being polytheistic is more able to adapt to cultural shifts) makes me wonder both at my own stupidity and the lost innocence of a truly clear vision. And yet the arguments raised seem to be for ethnic origin of faith (when raised at all, it is a minority view) when there is much less debate for the psychological environment our ancesters lived in, and as a minority is still able to live today.
I would love to know what it was to dream before the advent of TV and the illusion of image reproduction (even before art was anything other than rudimentary symbolic show) - how the mind must have had to adapt to time - to the other alternative realities we master and direct. Ourselves as the gods of ages and guilty of wilful neglect of our destiny… But then quite a portion of my life is seemingly related to a crude form of anthropological day dreaming and an appalling lack of physical activity!
If I choose not to write I do not have to fear that silence will make me lazy.
Sometimes I find progression not in childishly kicking holes in my perception and weakening all defences but by the consolidation of my knowledge and growth and a determined attempt to build something positive… though there is almost always room for a well-aimed kick to the spiritual solar plexus... I think growing under chaos helps breed stronger roots!
I have been able to read a bit of certain texts using an Ebook reader and Adobe reader on my Dana (Palm OS) being able to scroll and move to the next page by one button press helps, as does being able to set my own text and background contrast. Shame I can't seem to enlarge the text beyond the standard largest size in those applications, although if I use enough pillows I can balance the Dana and my hand much nearer my face than I could a book, and with a keyguard I would be hitting the right key more frequently ;)! I only attempt this is bed but I have been interested to be able to look at more text, even if it is sporadic.
I blame myself for failing to be a better Heathen/Woman/Girl Guide mainly because I perversely enjoy raising my expectations of what my behaviour should be and what I should hope to achieve in my life. I feel that my god(ess)s understand I am living my life differently but don’t forsake me over it. I credit my atheist father for helping me see as a child that it was possible to live life by a personal moral and intellectual code, as long as you did what was ‘right’ it would be morally ok at least. I just intertwine my personal code with that of my faith etc… but then there are many happy marriages made there!
There is a lot of news too - and several really positive things to share when I can. I started this entry at least a week ago so wanted to share and post, and then I can focus on updating properly when I am able)