Occupy LiveJournal

Oct 17, 2011 22:36

I am a professional archaeologist. I was lucky to graduate with two MAs completely debt-free in 2003. I am fortunate not to have children or other dependents. I lost a good job with benefits when the economy tanked in 2008, and have worked 16 of the 36 months since then (five different jobs). During that time, I have had health insurance for 3 months. I drew unemployment for a while, but it ran out, and I lived off my savings for as long as I could, as well as selling many of my possessions. I did not apply for a job at McDonald's or WalMart because I hoped something would come along in my field, and I wanted to be available when it did. I rely on infrastructure improvements and construction projects for my employment. I now work night shift at a hotel for $10/hr four nights a week. I am still debt free, but I cannot afford health insurance. I have not had a medical checkup in over three years. I cannot afford major repairs to my vehicle. If anything unforeseen happens, I am SCREWED. I am the 99%.


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