something sounds too good to be true,
it probably is.
I don't know why I didn't check it out more thoroughly before I signed up, but I didn't. If you are thinking of signing up for this service or know anyone who is, I'm here to tell you it's a bad idea. The service is overpriced and fails to deliver on all those free and discounted events they promise. Hardly any of their events are free, and when I checked into their other activities, I found that the awesome group rate discount they promised was no more than a couple of dollars per event. Between the cost of a yearly membership, the cost of events, gas and parking, it's like paying twice as much to do the sorts of things you would do anyway.
OK, so yes, they organise groups of single people and do background checks on everyone. Great. But considering there's not more than one or two events per week I would even consider going to, it's not enough. I know how to meet people, and while having single friends would be nice, I bet there are less costly ways of finding them in a big city like Seattle.
I feel like such a dupe, and there's no way to cancel my membership and get my money back that I can see, so I guess I'm just going to ride out the year with them, attending events sometimes, but I certainly won't have anything good to say about their services.