Oct 14, 2010 20:31
Had some trouble with my truck this morning. Nothing serious; I just forgot that when it gets cold, the locks tend to stick, so it took me a few minutes to get it unlocked. Anyone know a genius way of solving this?
Made it to the 10,000 Silver Dollar Saloon for lunch, and had my traditional grilled cheese and hot chocolate. Only now the place is called the 50,000 Silver Dollar (no "Saloon" in the name anymore). I guess that's inflation for you.
The mountains were not as bad as I expected. I only had to shift down into third a couple of times, and the weather stayed fine until I crossed Snoqualmie Pass and hit a big band of rain. Hope that cartop carrier is more waterproof than I think.
As soon as I started coming down the Cascades I had a hard time finding a clear station to play my iPod, so I went for the old standard: 107.7, my favourite old alternative station that I used to listen to in high school. Pleased to discover they still play quite a lot of mid-90's music, though I am disappointed with the quality of their "Top Seven". Kids today and their music, eh?
But yeah, between the rain and the radio, I knew I was home. How weird is this?