Wow. Casual reproduction *and* sticking it in Paris Hilton. You know, I used to think it was cool when people asked me if I was related to this guy, and it's nice that people now know how to pronounce my last name, but I am afraid I'm going to have to confiscate our common DNA.
Matt Leinart Produces Spawn
We'd like to formally welcome Cole Leinart, son of Buzzsaw quarterback Matt Leinart and former USC basketball player Brynn Cameron, to this rotating orb we call earth. Cole Cameron Leinart was born Tuesday night [Oct 24] in California, and Leinart was there, which was nice, because he's not gonna be around for a while afterwards. (We're not casting aspersions on Leinart; we're sure he'll be a fine dad, now that he has a fulltime NFL career away from California, isn't married to the mother and, oh yeah, happens to be one of the most eligible bachelors on earth.)
Leinart is expected to be back at practice today, where his Buzzsaw will face the Packers on Sunday. We can't wait for the practice conversations tomorrow.