Jun 20, 2006 10:59
I had some free time this morning at work, so I decided to check out how well some of the national public colleges ranked in the category of computer science. Not surprisingly College Park ranked 16. I would like to go to College park, but it is a long drive from Mount Airy--1hour and 8mins. The school I am thinking about going to, due to the short commute, is UMBC, which ranked 87. Now, both College Park and UMBC cost the same, roughly $8,700 a year for full-time students. This is considerably more a year when compared to Frederick Community College which is only about $3,000 a year for full-time students.
A few months ago, Anna and I were talking about moving out to the west coast in the future, perhaps for our master's degrees. I checked out the University of Washington's computer science program. Surprisingly it ranked at 9, which is 7 ranks higher than College Park. Better yet, the tuition is super cheap, costing only $3,700 a year--about the same price as community college. Washington State seems to be where Microsoft's main office are, along with Google (I'm almost certain).
In August Anna's family and I are going to fly out to the west coast to enjoy a well-awaited vacation. There for my first time, I'll be able to experience the other side of the US. Hopefully I'll enjoy my stay, for it will help determine the seriousness of my choice about attending school in Washington State.