Daze of whine and roses A LOOOOOONG final week report

Oct 30, 2009 13:47

Sorry for the lack of cuts. Technical reasons made it impractical this time around ( Read more... )

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jvowles October 30 2009, 22:53:42 UTC
Oh, I hear ya! I've nearly gotten into a fight with a guy who wouldn't stop talking over the performers at the dang Pub Sing.

As a Faire Visitor (and occasional slave labor) of many years, I too long for the simpler days. None other than Bliss Goodboddy announced me as a Faire Virgin. In those days, it seemed most folk were into the whole experience. I think Brad even had a bit of hair then. :)

Every year I'd spend half the fall wandering the faire, spending too much on garb, and enjoying plenty of new stuff each year. But I think it's calcified in the last five years or so, and while I enjoy seeing old favorites, it really has stagnated. The stuff I want to see is packed, it's always muddy or 90 degrees when I go, and it's become so mass-produced.... In fact I've taken the last two years "off" from Faire -- since my bro-in-law Wes retired from the Wine Garden, and my sister Chris retired from the Dragon, I haven't really been to Revel Grove.

I do *miss* being able to hear anything at all during pub sing, nearly as much as I miss the days when Octoberfest was just another weekend, not a horrific infestation of drunken frat idiots mocking people and requiring routine visits from the constabulary. Hell, I remember the days when you guys pulled around a bit of wagon with your meagre belongings, and Maggie was the only bit of kindling to be found.

Maybe next year...


skivee November 2 2009, 03:30:18 UTC
Sorry you missed out this year. In spite of my griping, there was lots to see and do.


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