Dec 22, 2006 09:45

Okay, Lol, I've got most of my list done but just in case you suckers wanna see what I've done so far (like anyone will 8D) here it is:

Alicia: A pair of Earrings in a cute box + candy
Nicole: No telly but it's half done. [gotta get cha one more thing]
Kim: Not done. D: but I wanna get her something link/nintendo related.
Alex: [from school not my bro] she got me a bracelet so I still need to get her something small. Not done. D:
Chanel: Done. =D me no telly. :x
Blake: Done. =D me no telly. :x

And for my online friends!:

Sam: Giftart. [hopefully] ;D
Shinny: Giftart. [hopefully] ;D
Adimpleo: Giftart. [hopefully] ;D

So that's it so far. OH! And yes I have been working on AWOM characters designs and thinking up the rest of that plot so it makes more sense. But you prolly won't have it till next week and I'll try to get that all organized before the end of break. Then hopefully we can start. :D

That'd be cool, huh?



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