Oct 11, 2007 00:08
Such a weird day. I got 2 peices of my gear back at a pawn shop in tupelo,but the amps are still MIA. Shit i don't think i even mentioned it on here..my music room,which is detached from my house, was broken into and everything but the bass and guitar i had upstairs was taken.
I'm not terribly upset since it was all crappy gear anyway,but it does piss me off abit that someone would rob me.
I got the spyder II amp from dillon for $150 a few years ago,and the bass amp i got from my old friend jon. I was going to pay him $90 for it,but he never came back around,and the last time i did see him, he and another friend came over one night and drank up $30 of my booze,then proceeded to puke all over my music room and a very nice white $50 blanket which was ruined instantly. I had to shampoo the carpet twice to get the puke smell out too. So i think i pretty much paid for that amp. In any case,it's gone now,and i am amp-less. boooo
I filed a report, so if anything else comes into any pawn shops they'll call me.
I'm excited to see my buddies,the independents, on monday. Gonna be a blast.