ebay is my god

May 31, 2008 19:01

Please to be ignoring the dirty rug that needs vacuuming like woah. All chores get pushed off until Sun/Mon when I have that rare beast called free time.

As a forewarning to halfpass_19 (since you're the only one I can forewarn on LJ ;p), I'm dragging them to the barn tomorrow to get people's opinions on fit. I'm a little worried they're not tall enough, but even if they aren't, it's not by much, and considering I got them for almost 50% off the retail value, I'm probably going to keep my mouth shut. :) I figured they might be short some, but I thought that the calf was going to be a little too wide. I measured a 15.5" for my biggest calf (because I apparently use my left leg more?) And the boot was 16.5" wide, but fits perfectly. So, good thing I didn't try to go smaller.
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