Feb 13, 2010 09:52
my name is Skittlez (skittlez is my nickname).
i am 24 years old.
i live in Navy Yard City, Bremerton, Washington.
i love to dance and sing, I have done both since i was very little.
yep.. i am EDNOS and i have been battling it since i was 9 years old. at first i was bulimic but i stopped doing that for awhile (i was paranoid that someone would catch me). and i had a few "anorexic cycles" where i'd basically fast for a couple days then binge.. and i figured that wasn't working for me.. so i told myself that i'll eventually find something that works.. i never meant to "find" my eating disorder, because i had heard how bad it was.. instead i like to think of it as it "stole" me.. i can't think of anything else.. it has stolen my concentration, and my thoughts.. but i'm trying to be happy again..
then, my friends found diet pills in my bag... they apparently still think that i'm a whale because they made me join weight watchers with them... but they took away my pills!!
so in rebelling i've worked really hard and i've managed to lose some weight.. i've learned to not depend on food and to control my food intake.
i still purge though, which makes for interesting conversation..
i think growing up with my mother has contributed to my disorder, When i was little my mom weighed nearly 500lbs, she made me anti-social, a neurotic and very paranoid.. i began to hide food in my room where i could eat it later, i ended up having a messed up relationship with food.. plus i'm BPD, was sexually abused (ask me..), and i have anxiety attacks where all i feel like is crawling into a dark hole where the light doesn't touch me...
i am outgoing, recently i had an outburst of the "in-your-face" (good way (is there a good way?)) personality! I love to have fun. i don't listen to gossip.. i'd rather get it from a reliable source than a classless bitch... but that's just me.. i don't gossip.. i don't judge people before i meet them or get to know them.. and i demand the same respect.. but if someone is disrespectful and gossips, don't expect my respect..
i hate it when people say something like, "i'm planning on doing it... trust me"... when they add the unneccesary "trust me" to the end it kinda makes me think... "should i not trust you when you don't say 'trust me'? or why would i not trust you?" ya get me??
and i hate when people have horrible grammar.. i never correct them, but i squirm a little inside... i can hear the difference between good and bad grammar.. however i am more of a mechanical thinker..
i'm a horrible driver, i'm very uptight on the road... if you are not going 5 miles above the speed limit, you are going wayy slow for me.. and i'll pass you, even in the right hand lane... but i hate when someone else passes me... i give them the infamous "stare down".. but usually they're old and too preoccupied with their air tank to be focusing on the road... or it's trisha talks-a-lot who's always on her phone.. how about you put your shit away and look at the road, then you'll be able to prevent yours or someone else's death... i don't know, maybe a good idea, just a thought.. i have a lot of thing that i want to say to people who i think are horrible drivers but then i'd be a hypocrite! FYI: i've never gotten pulled over!
and that's me!
feeling accomplished now?