Oct 09, 2004 19:16
omg i hate when my parents are like this...i didnt bring mi laundry dowwn today and now im grounded for the rest of the weekend! what the fuck is that! they're so stupid...now i cant go out at all and it sux...tho probably i can sweettalk them cuz its thankxgiving...but theres no point cuz ill get grounded bcuzza my math test..H0W THE FUCK COULD I HAVE GOTTEN THAT KINDA MARK!?!?! omg i feel so stupid...but its in my worst thingy...MATH...and i got 56%...but at least i tried...so ya...ill be grounded till the rest of my life bcuz of that...so0o yea...my parentz are so stupid...its not like im gonna bcome rich or somthing..maybe i will...maybe i wont...i wanna but they gotta learn not to control my life that much...like it was my 1st test and grounding me wont make me get better on my tests...its just gonna get me pissed off...i even studied for that test too...grounding me isnt gonna make me study anymore either...so i dont see the point in it...so it fuckin sux...the worst part isnt the fact that im grounded from goin out..cuz i got lotsa other stuff...its that i have to do chores while im home...so that sucks even more...so ya maybe i can get out of it if i dont complain...and maybe if i complain lots then they mite let me off...so i dno with my parents its different every time i get grounded...so ya leave a commment if u knoe a good way to get outta it...or if u wanna tell me what i should do...so0o yea l8erz IM SO MAD!