Mar 29, 2006 19:41
Hay, ya no se que hacer. Estoy tratando de no meterme. Me sigo diciendo que tiene una novia... pero aveces es como que no existe. Por lo menos hasta que lo empieza a llamar y todavía estoy allí. El me gusta... y mucho... y lo quiero mucho. Estoy tratando de no dejarme quererlo más.
Anyways... on another note... ahhh... this week so far has just been... uh... unproductive. I've been doing like the bare minimum to get through my classes. Basically just anything I need to turn in. Anything else well... I guess I'm going to put off to this weekend.
On a good note I finally got a chance to talk to a friend who I haven't heard from a while. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see him soon. I miss the guy and even though he doesn't like to admit it, I know he missed me. But I mean c'mon who wouldn't? heehee
Ahh... I have HND... Hug Needing Disorder.... haha. Well... I guess I just like hugs, but more specifically from my guy friends. I find it quite comforting and keeps me sane. It should be a real disorder though, cuz I doubt I'm the only one. Or HAA... hug adicts anonymous.... support group. Would definitely be a big help...But yeah, I think i'm just bored here. Dumb School... I just want to start my life for real already.