Maybe I spent a little too much time lurking around
fanficrants today. And I maybe should not have followed that up with an extensive search for fresh Seifer/Zell stuff. Nonetheless, I've got some points to make.
1. Zell does not giggle. He's not the giggling type. AND HIS TEETH ARE NOT FANGS; your opinion may vary, but the "fangs" thing bugs me.
2. Seifer does not cry. Nor is he emo and sulky.
3. I think I finally understand the whole argument against throwing Seifer and Zell into a happy relationship without first addressing the steps it took to get there. My brain cannot wrap around them being cutesy and lovey without first seeing the dysfunction, anger, spazzfests, etc. it took to get them to that point.
You can add these to a
rant-list I did in '06.
I may sound like one of the elitist BNFs that I whine so much about, but blahhh.
I don't want to say I read a lot of "bad" fanfiction today, but I read a lot of "empty" fanfiction. The authors' writing styles were not my reading style, and there were times where I was like, "wait... how did we get to this point?"
Or everything was all butterflies and rainbows, and to me, that's not what Seifer and Zell are. Well, they maybe have that potential to be, but I like to see the snark that goes on before they get to that point.
In other news, I'm about to make a Taco Bell-run. Y'all want anything?