Jul 30, 2010 10:26
I swear I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I would rather have BOTH children here pooping, vomiting and running a fever than be pregnant at this point. Full of energy yesterday and today I can barely lift my arms to type on the computer. I would like to think it's my body's way of saying you're about to go into labor and we need to rest, but I'm not that lucky. I think we should schedule an early c-section. :) The doctors are saying that Landon is going to be a big boy, seeing as how I'm only 37 weeks and my stomach is measuring at 39 weeks. I'm not sure pushing a big baby out makes me feel all that much better. :p
On a different note, trying to potty train our two year old. *thumbs up* I say we're trying, we haven't actually technically started with him. We have the supplies, pull-ups, potties, lots of clean sheets but seeing as how he drinks like a camel instead of asking him if he has to pee every hour we have to take him every 30 minutes. And he's stubborn. [where did that come from?] And once we start it HAS to be a routinely done thing. No "days off" as it were. Otherwise it's pointless. To be honest, I'm dunno if we should start right before the new baby gets here. Sure David will be off for a week when we get out of the hospital [more if I beg ;)] but say we get a routine in a week. That's with two parents here and then what. I would have to manage a routine of potty training and two hour feedings. Not to mention diapers and feeding for the big boy. I have a feeling this house will not be up to par or at least my standars of what it should be and that will drive me INSANE in itself.
Venting I know. And my brain is slowly getting mushier and mushier while my arms are begging to be laid down and not moved. When is nap time again?