I am drunk as I type this....but the show the Venture Bros has got to be one of the best shows to exist EVER!!
It is the only show that I can be in a piss poor mood or super dooper depressed and I can watch it and it TOTALLY cheers me up to no end.
I have little mini action figurs of the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend on my desk. His mightly monarchyness staring menicely at any woodbe computer harmy peoples!
Anyways I was at the bar tonight...and I was talking to people about fave cartoons, I said Venture Bros. They knew the show...so I started talking to them about it. And they were giving me odd looks...thats when I relized...I was ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.
The type of person that has seen every epasode so many times they remember every minute detail in full. Even in slight mention off a side plot that lasted for two seconds, I was able the pinpoint the absolute epasode, seasion and character that was in the scean.
I thought stuff like this was restricted only to virgins and neards that have girl/guy problems. Not a hip chick like I. But then again I guess it is a inteligent show for our time.
Shit what am I kidding....I am the type of person that they create single tv show convention shows for.
Oh how I lament the loss of 24!!!! Why the hell did you leave me!?! Better yet...why the hell did you leave 21!?!
Why did you buckle the seatbelt!!??? WHY!!!???
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I am board of this typeing thing now.....goodnight