It appears that Lucy wants to flirt with her best friend's husband...tart
After the birth of her twins, Sarah gets a makeover...
and an evil personality. Why should she study to get skills when...
...she can just suck them out of people.
The twins soon grow up, here's John with Byron (I'm regretting naming him that now)
He has no teeth!! Scary.
And there's Anya, I have no idea why she has blonde hair.
Not the cutest toddlers but at least they arn't aliens.
Speaking of the alien's, they're still alive just not very exciting anymore. Maybe there will be a love triangle with Billie-Joe (when he grows up of course)
John's thought it would be cool to be a criminal, bet he's rethinking that now.
Now let's visit the Peeps2 house
Steven is proving to be just as cute as his older brother.
Lucy doesn't care about her child though, she just wants to get some lesbian action.
Billie-Joe takes out his angst on his teddy bear, such an emo. He'll be writing poetry about his tortured soul next.
It's time for Steven to grow up.
So cute!!
Probably the sweetest thing I've ever seen on the Sims so far.
Next time: Billie Joe grows up