Jun 03, 2009 00:05
- 17:36 estoy a la biblioteca! or whatevsz :P #
- 19:53 hell yeah! free mcdonald's! #
- 20:28 11th graders come up and start talking to me at the library... random. @CAGoodbred and he's in your english class! hahahaha! #
- 20:40 @ CAGoodbred he said his name is andrew...? #
- 20:46 @ CAGoodbred lolz, he reminded me of troy. he freakin' got my number! #
- 21:08 @ CAGoodbred what up! #
- 22:05 walmart con john then danny's. #
- 22:19 john is looking at toys. yes... toys. lolz, I have met my match in combat! bahahaha! #
- 23:43 american psycho!...? #
- 23:58 @ rican4weekend you. me. nimbus. pronto! #
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