May 17, 2009 00:05
- 00:18 "loud outbursts are fuuuun..." #
- 02:45 phone was off. just got a shitload of texts/tweets. sleep now. holla :* #
- 02:50 zkv17 woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep... probably a good thing, but I have nothing really that I feel like doing. lazy mofo~ #
- 04:44 I thought I sent in a tweet about my phone being off but it's not showing up in my sent msgs...? whatevsz, I'm losing it. so weak. fuckkkkkk #
- 04:46 @ CAGoodbred hang out with me! pix of mew, biaaaatchhhh! :)))))) blah, I'm bored. maybe tired. brandon's snoring. haaaaaa~ #
- 04:51 so confused right now thanks to texts and tweets I've been receiving. boo @ it all. this is just reassuring me more and more of being done. #
- 11:28 @ CAGoodbred no!!!!!!!! whatchudooin' now? wanna chill? #
- 11:43 @ CAGoodbred aiight boo-berry! I'll be there in 30-ish~ :* #
- 12:33 me and my fucking bruises. shit. #
- 13:46 "sinkholes. they're nature's armpits." #
- 14:51 I pwn n00bz. including you. #
- 14:52 dosvedanya mio bombino! #
- 15:48 "my boss is dying in the intensive care unit in the hospital. do I bring death with me or something?" #
- 16:11 chips > peeing. all the time, everytime. #
- 16:40 I think barbecue sauce has pineapple in it for flavoring. #
- 16:57 - THE MOTHERLOAD. #
- 16:59 may angels lead you in. hear you me, my friends. on sleepless roads the sleepless go. may angels lead you in. #
- 17:04 - fucking glitch?! #
- 17:06 if you were with me tonight, I'd sing to you, just one more time, a song for a heart so big, god couldn't let it live. #
- 17:11 - scarlet isn't orange! #
- 17:52 - I think it's my MASTERPIECE! #
- 18:46 I LOVE EXCELLENT TIMING~ lololz :) goin' to meet up with la-la-la-leeoooo! pokemon snap will have to wait for now... #
- 18:56 note to all time low: try again. #
- 19:35 chillin' in sandbridge with leo and tommy and ivar and hayley and alex... ughhhhh~ waiting for kelsey to get off work. #
- 19:36 just 'cause he works at a call center doesn't mean he knows EVERYTHING. I've told you all this SAME shit before... #
- 19:45 @ CAGoodbred hate these motherfucking bitches. well, two of them. #
- 19:46 ahhhhhhhhh! #
- 19:47 "you think if I threw this at her back, it would explode?" "no." "what is it?" "a firework." #
- 19:48 "you dropped a firework in my house?" "no, it's not like an explosive firework." "oh, okay." #
- 19:48 "it's just like, it might go off if someone steps on it." #
- 19:56 god, I suckkkkk at pool. #
- 20:12 mini-party at kelsey's! well, half-ass... #
- 20:32 too much talk about sex lives leads to me not being able to get a word in, therefore, I digress. #
- 21:13 I hate being left behind. #
- 21:33 @ CAGoodbred did I tell you or did I tell you?! :)))) #
- 21:34 salad fingers! :P #
- 21:57 @ jricardo yay! firepit! :) #
- 22:00 @ rican4weekend damn you having taken over my macbook! lolz jk, I LOVE YOU~! :) #
- 22:01 @ JoshuaAbrams you are my motherfucking hero, son! :D #
- 22:03 @ CAGoodbred my dick played on the double-feature screen. your dick went straight to dvd! ;))))) #
- 22:39 @ CAGoodbred so jealous right now :( #
- 23:20 phone's been dead for the past hour or so. still chillin' at kelsey's with just her & katie & hayley. I learn a lot about bio from them :D #
- 23:45 meh~ I cruise sandbridge and the backroads of pungo when I don't feel like going home. #
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