Oct 17, 2004 12:25
this update is for ruth since she misses reading about my life! (and shes probably the only one that reads it..)
anywho, 2 weeks ago i got into msu. i really hope i get into uofm because i dont think im gonna like it htere. my mom is being obnoxiuos and making a down payment for me to go to james madison...i dont want her to. i wish i could just go out of state..
last weekend was hoomecoming. it was alot of fun. i kinda wanted a date to the dance but going with a group of girls was awesome. monday was powderpuff. i was SO excited that ruth actually went to the game. it was the frist high school event sehs ever been at and it was fun to chill with herr. tuesday was float building. i wanted to get done real fast with the float cuz i had alot of homework.. wednesday i had dance. thursday i came home early and skipped field day. then i went to work. work is so awesome...i make tonns of money and it is really easy. then friday was toga day!! we met at nicoles in the morning and all went to school decked out. then i went to a spring break meeting (i really hope we end up booking something ..), the parade, to sushi, adn then the homecoming game. we lost the game and it started raining but it was overall fun and kasia won princess :). saturday i got ready and then went to the dance. we ended up hanging at some random bfe houses and it smelled really bad, haha.
monday weisserman FINALLY finished my reccomendation for uofm. so my transcript is officially in and i can stop getting hate e-mails from l,s, and a.
im writing an editorial about teachers influencing students with their opinions in class for the next spectrum. ms. nadler thinks the article is too opinionated and needs to be toned down. basically, i refuse to put an article in the newspaper thats my opinion if im not allowed to express my opinions. we'll see what mr. leider says ->> thanks ruth for helping me!!
me and lauren are going up to msu on thursday. im REALLY excited! we're gonna have a great time!
hopefully i will update again soon and keep up with the lj!