The latest McCain web ad comes courtesy of director David Lynch. Or whoever produced the videos for MK-ULTRA. It's not offensive -- it's just flat out fucked up. Tell me what you make of this.
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I'm not sure who this is targeting. Aren't all the country's fear-prone voters already sufficiently shitting their pants? Are there sleeper cell voters whose voting directive is activated by flashing static and bad Photoshop? Are parents of kidnapped children supposed to get flashbacks of their tormentor's ransom video and instinctively vote against the dark man with the beady eyes?
And who made the call to use a font usually reserved for late-night newscasts about child rapists? What the fuck is going on here? This isn't Obama-booster rage I'm expressing (in all honestly I can't see this pushing many votes) -- this is me sitting down and being unable to process what I just watched. Maybe that's the intention? Well, luckily I already cast my vote, so if I wake up tomorrow morning with a dry mouth and an uncontrollable desire to vote Republican, I'm still in the clear.