Arguing for the Olympics to be held in Chicago*
Following the traditional chain of command*
Some random teacher leading kids in a weird Obama song*
Following the unanimous advice of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff*
Michelle giving a speech at a farmer's market*
Suggestion-collecting website*
School speeches*
Continuing the very long tradition of appointing donors as Ambassadors to Embassies that don't matter*
Fact-checking website*
David Axelrod collecting money from a company he sold*
Watching Apollo missions*
Imaginary million-dollar ham*
Mom jeans*
Throwing baseballs poorly*
Imaginary assgazing*
Abiding to the Iraqi security pact*
HR 2454, Section 788*
Working with Russia*
Condemning the Honduras coup*
Michelle's garden*
"Shocked and Outraged" vs. "Saddened"*
57 states*
One of the largest Muslim nations*
Date night*
The non-shelter dog*
Watching Star Trek in the White House*
Air Force One photo op*
Dijon mustard*
Michelle's shoes*
The pizza delivery (TF only)
Possibly bowing to the Saudi King*
The iPod*
Michelle touching the queen*
The DVDs (TF only)
Insensitive jokes*
Cocktail parties*
Drinking a beer at a basketball game*
Michelle's bare arms (TF only)
Imaginary White House dress code*
The teleprompter*
The birth certificate*
"Only" a concentration camp*
Orange juice*
Bowling poorly And these are just made up:
White House Political Director Patrick Gaspard once served as the "right-hand man" for Bertha Lewis, who heads up ACORN*
For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (cost of living adjustment)*
Under the Baucus bill, federal funds would subsidize coverage of elective abortions*
The Obama administration's cap-and-trade plan would create "a $1,761 yearly energy tax"*
You lie!*
The Obama Administration's own White House Council of Economic Advisers has estimated 4.7 million Americans will lose their jobs if the health care bill passes*
Cap-and-trade is wildly unpopular with Americans*
Schoolchildren across the nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president*
President Obama wants to mandate circumcision*
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a manual out there telling our veterans stuff like, "Are you really of value to your community?" You know, encouraging them to commit suicide*
The health bill's plan for comparative effectiveness research would be used by the government to ration care*
If you're 59 and live in the UK or Canada, you can't get it replaced*
A provision in the health care reform bill for end-of-life counseling for seniors is not entirely voluntary*
Ezekiel Emanuel, one of President Obama's key health care advisers, says medical care should be reserved for the nondisabled. So watch out if you're disabled*
Seniors and the disabled will have to stand in front of Obama's death panel so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society, whether they are worthy of health care*
The Democrat-backed health care reform plan will require Americans to subsidize abortion with their hard-earned tax dollars*
Page 992 of the health care bill will establish school-based "health" clinics. Your children will be indoctrinated and your grandchildren may be aborted!*
Health care reform legislation is likely to mandate free sex change surgeries*
The health care reform plan would set limits similar to the socialized system in Britain, where people are allowed to die if their treatment would cost more than $22,000*
If you log into the government's Cash for Clunkers Web site from your home computer, the government can seize all of your personal and private information, and track your computer activity*
President Barack Obama suggested on national TV that the Democratic health care bill will have government decide that a healthy, 100-year-old woman in need of a pacemaker should take a pain pill instead*
All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free health care services*
In the health care bill, the Health Choices Commissioner will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None*
John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population*
The health care reform bill would make it mandatory - absolutely require - that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner*
The health care reform bill -- on Page 16 -- outlaws private insurance*
The Obama administration offered $900 million to Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, to rebuild Gaza*
In North Carolina, they used stimulus money to hire one new state worker. His job, apply for more stimulus funds from the taxpayers by the way of the federal government*
ACORN will be a paid partner with the Census Bureau and they will be in charge of going door-to-door and collecting data from the American public*
Under a public health care option, 120 million Americans will lose what they now get from private companies and be forced onto the government-run rolls as businesses decide it is more cost-effective for them to drop coverage.
Inside the stimulus package is anti-Christian legislation that will stop churches from using public schools for meeting on Sundays, as well as Boy Scouts and student Bible study groups*
ACORN could get up to $8.5 billion more tax dollars despite being under investigation for voter registration fraud in a dozen states*
The federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act bill would create special protection for pedophiles*
Obama used $20 million in federal money to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA*
The administration raises revenue for nationalized health care through a series of new taxes, including a light switch tax that would cost every American household $3,128 a year*
Under Obama's budget plan, families making over $250,000 are going to lose their mortgage deduction, their charitable deductions*
Obama nominee Dawn Johnsen called motherhood "involuntary servitude"*
Under the Obama plan, all the health care in this country is eventually going to be run by the government*
In just one month, the Democrats have spent more than President Bush spent in seven years on the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and Hurricane Katrina combined*
The stimulus has $30 million in there to protect mice in San Francisco*
For every dollar in the stimulus package that is spent to help small businesses, $4 is being spent to help upkeep the grass on the lawns of Washington*
The stimulus bill includes $300,000 for a sculpture garden in Miami Oh, elchip. Is there anything you can't do?
I am miffed that we still can't get a reasonable discourse on nuclear energy still. But whatever.
I am a busy boy now. I think I will abandon my ljworld blog for my kansan blog. But I won't leave you ever, livejournal.
Unless you can figure out a way to make me see ads.