(no subject)

Nov 01, 2013 20:12

Happy Halloween, witches.

Maybe eventually I'll do better pictures of this outfit because I swear the skirt/boot combo is divine. Also even though it was put together as a costume for work, it's my new favorite outfit in general. I mentioned somewhere once that my wardrobe is 1/4 "spinster catlady at the end of the street who might be a hip kinda witch but nobody's really sure," 1/4 pretty sundresses, 1/4 leggings and black T-shirts, and 1/4 shirts with horizontal white and navy-blue stripes. I've been feeling that first quarter pretty hardcore lately. Probably the result of all the incense I've been burning. (Whatever, you wish your bedroom smelled like roses and cinnamon and sandalwood all the time like mine does.)

I'm trying to write, and I'm trying to draw, and I'm trying to hoop. My roommate set up her fancy keyboard in the basement; once I have her show me how to work it, I plan to dig out my piano books and start re-learning to play. Another roommate is moving in his bench/bar/free weights soon, and I'm going to start lifting again. I've made a commitment to self-improvement for this winter, and I intend to carry it out.

The hardest thing to fix right now is my diet. Time, energy, lack of money, etc. are throwing me over and over into the "shove carbs in your face so you don't pass out" mode, which I really don't like because I don't feel good when I eat a lot of grains. But if I were being super careful about it and packing up snacks more complicated than a tupperware of cereal or granola bars and cooking proper meals every night, I swear, I'd do nothing but work, prep food, and write. I need to figure out a little wiggle room somewhere, some small way to start, SOMETHING to get back in the swing of eating the way I know my body likes me to eat. I've been pounding water, which is helping - I have a cleaned-out salsa jar, the big kind, that I keep on my bedside table and fill with water every night before I go to sleep, and in the morning I drink the whole thing before I even get out of bed. And the past week or so I've been making sure I drink about two of my bigass bottles of water, or more if I can, each day, plus usually a cup of tea or two. It's helping a lot, but it's not enough on its own.

Tonight for an early dinner I found some leftover chicken and mashed potatoes in the back of the fridge and heated that up, and had it with some salad and carrots. It felt much better than a big bowl of spaghetti. Just. I don't know. I need to figure out how to make my dietary preferences work better.

food food food, gpoy, list o' thoughts

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