[cfud/ooc] application

Apr 01, 2011 17:21

Character: Maka Albarn
Series: Soul Eater
Character Age: 14
Canon: Welcome to Death City, home of Shibusen, an academy led by the Grim Reaper himself that trains Demon Weapons-humans who have an innate ability to turn into weapons-and the Meisters that wield them to learn to work together as they fight evildoers that take the souls of innocents. Once any Meister and Weapon pair have collected 99 corrupt souls and one of a witch, the latter then becomes a Deathscythe, a very powerful weapon worthy of even the Grim Reaper to wield. But, watch out! The enemies could be anything from ghosts to witches, werevolves, serial killers, or even a killer written paper that's still due by tomorrow. It's practically Halloween all year round.

Maka happens to be one of the students at this academy, a Meister who teams up with a boy named Soul capable of turning into a scythe, and together they're a force to be reckoned with. Although a generally personable girl who's willing to be friends with most people, she's a driven individual who's serious and hardworking in everything she does, striving to be nothing but the best. Not just a formidable fighter bent on turning her partner into an even stronger Deathscythe than her father, you'd also be hard pressed to one-up this bookworm when it comes to test scores. But Maka isn't only out to be number one-she's fiercely loyal to her friends and is extremely dedicated to maintaining peace throughout the world, so bad guys beware. That's not the only thing to look out for, because Maka's got a bit of a temper on her, too. She possesses little patience for idiots and even less so for perverts, both which often find themselves with a dent in their heads when around her.

Sample Post:

Alright, get it together, self! This may be one of the more weirder missions we've had to go on, but there can only be progress from here, right? None of it sounded like it should have been all that complicated, unorthodox obstacles aside. Find the culprit responsible for taking and trapping an unusually large amount of people-dealing with a being like this is nothing new for us at all! ...Nevermind my idiot partner decided to disappear off on me, so I guess now it's nothing new for myself. Does he really expect to leave all the work to me? Hmph, if that's how he wants to be, I'll show him to slack off the job ever again...

Anyway, I've got to get moving. The guy in charge of this crazy farm operation more than likely already knows someone's on his trail if they're already sending out the lackeys. I find it a bit strange someone would use a bunch of cows to guard their turf, but that assault was way too coordinated to be a coincidence! At those speeds, they definitely meant business. Sheesh, I'm lucky they weren't fast enough... I never thought I'd have to knock a cow out.

So before things get worse and they ready themselves for round two, I need to figure out what exactly is going on here. I've been feeling the presence of a lot of troubling souls around, and from what I've been coming across so far they all belong to zombies. Nobody keeps a bunch of those roaming around, unless... Yeah, they definitely serve a greater purpose than adding to the scenery. If this is the second wave I need to look out for instead, this is about to get worse than I thought. Ugh, it's disgusting, not to mention I feel bad for all these people who have been turned this way... I'll bet this "Director" plans on using them all for some nefarious purpose sooner or later. But for what? To harvest all their souls at once when the time is right? I'd try to take another guess and figure the Director is into having armies of the undead, but they're hardly a threat in the state they're in now. Even I've been able to handle them easily enough on my own! ...Though, it would have been easier if a certain someone didn't abandon me. I swear, his head is going to be throbbing for a week next time I see him.

Enough of that, I told myself to keep it together! As a student of Shibusen, it's my duty to make sure I can finish this mission successfully, properly armed or not! Who needs him, anyway? If I can face off that horde of cattle and give those zombies a piece of my mind, then I- ...Er, wait, I only meant that figuratively. When they keep trying to give me handfuls of theirs, I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to do the same for them.

Voting went on here; in by 100%. Some...how? /still boggling.

ooc, *camp

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