May 03, 2005 12:42
So I'm sitting here at work, helping two of the biggest morons I've ever had the displeasure of working with try to solve lighting problems. The reason I insult them is that I've been 'mr. fixit' in this building for the last six years and I know the building inside and out. So when I offer some help to one of their problems you would think they'd take my advice or at least consider it, but that's not the case. Instead, I get an argument of why I'm wrong and why, even though the last six things I've helped them fix weren't solved until after trying their methods only to come back to my first suggestion, which worked, they try to give me a lecture on what they know that I don't. (I neglected to mention that one of them is my new boss. The other is his best'est buddy.)
So that, in a nutshell, is why I am up in the office and signing on to give SSP a hard time, check the City of Heroes SG forum, and write this spam! And as I sat here, I realized that I really want another tatoo. Last January, as I had all but freed myself of the burden that was Myra, I went to Living Arts Tatoos here in P'cola and got some work done. Phil did a great job on it. Having been called just about every variation of Monkey/Monkeyman by the shows that come in to the theatre, I decided I'd finally decided on the one thing I could live with branded into my flesh with a sharp needle. So down my right shoulder, 3/4 of the way down my arm, reads the Kanji for MONKEY MAN.
Now, a little over a year later, I sit and wonder what else I would be willing to have as a life-long marker that reflects my personality.
Current thoughts include:
Archangel in combat: Full Back
The all too expensive one that I've wanted since I was a kid.
DECEPTICON SYMBOL: Shoulder, back, or leg
One of those that I've always thought about but never done. Mainly due to the number of people I've seen with them since the new series came out.
Dragons: various ideas
Seems overdone, sniff.
Warning sign: EXIT ONLY
One on each cheek. Well, Jess would get a laugh out of it anytime she saw me change clothes. But I don't think it's a life-time laugh so kinda out of the running.
Family Crest: Shoulder, back, leg, or left breast
I've given serious thought to this one several times and it's my current favorite. The back is unlikely due to my eventually wanting to get the archangel done, but who knows.
There's another dozen thoughts running around in my skull, but I'm not really sure of what I'd get done. Any choice has to be able to hide under a short sleave shirt for future work possibilities. Anyway, that's my random ramble for now. Gotta get back and check on dumb and dumber.