Jul 17, 2006 06:43
So yesterday I saved 2 adults from the catch pool at teh tower slides at watercountry. so funny this brazilian lady speaking no english at all who was covered in hair every open spot in her body was covered in hair it was disgusting so anywhoo she rides down the slide and when she gets to the botom at the 3 halph feet pool she starts flailing and screaming and crying, i come up behide her to put her on my rescue tube because shes like drownding her self and she grabs on to my arm and wont let go hard to and im like screaming let go lady your in the 3 feet of water stand up!! and everyone has now stoped waht there doing and just watches this. my friend john was fishing for glass at teh bottom of the pool and he stood up and was like pople are retarted then and another adult canme down and did almost the exact thing minus the hair and plus the fattness lovely ha i love my job.
so hows everyones summer? tell me!