Title: Through Sickness and Health, Part 3
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae
Author: Skipturnstep
Rating: R (for language)
Genre: Romance
Words: 4,424
Summary: Flashbacks of the ups and downs of Kyuhyun and Donghae's relationship, told in five parts.
Part 1 Part 2 WARNING! Spoilers under the cut.
This is just the calm before the storm. )
Also, I thought I would say that I absolutely love your replies. You always put so much thought into it and your opinions really inspire me to keep doing this fic, because honestly this fic was not going to be ANYTHING like this -- it wasn't even going to be Kyuhae at all. This is actually way out of my normal writing style, although I think I prefer this style compared to my other one, but this is entirely experimental. So thank you for reading and taking the time to post your opinions! It means a lot.
And, well, thank you! *glomp* I'm happy my comments make you a little happier. I think that when I'm reading a wonderful story such as this that pulls me in and makes me feel, then the least I can do is to try and thank the author through a comment. ^^'' If you say this is not your normal style, I need to go and check out your other stories some time, to see what they're like. But I'd say your experiment went well.
So, out of curiousity - what was this story going to be like when you first had it in mind? =3
This was originally called At Least I Still Have You, and it didn't really have a plot when I first started. All I knew was that it was going to be Qmi and Eunhae, two pairings which I will even admit aren't my favorites. (My favorite is Kyuhae, clearly! Haha.) It didn't really have any direction, it was just..well, it was shit. Absolutely horrible.
So I figured I'd go back to my roots and give a try at a chaptered Kyuhae fic, and that's how this came out! :3
But again, seriously. Thank you so much for your comments, they really do brighten my day! ^^
Thank you! ^^ Qmi is a very temporary state of being in this fic, but that's all I'm going to say about that. I do have this story planned to go right up to the promotions for the fourth album, although that may change depending on how I flesh out what I've got planned. All I know is that it will come very close to present day Super Junior. ^__^
You're one of my very most devoted readers, so I just felt the need to show my appreciation ^^
Ah, it sounds great! :D Hope you have fun writing it! ^^
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