Breaking radio silence

Dec 16, 2011 12:26

Today is the 220th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. Today Congress has a passed a law codifying indefinite military detention without a trial and requiring it in some cases. You may have heard that it exempts American citizens. I don't think citizenship should matter in who gets what I believe should be a right to all humans. But quite aside from that, as the bill is currently worded, Americans are not absolutely exempted from indefinite detention - merely not required to be detained, on the President's discretion. I have read the sections of the bill on detention myself, and agree with the analysis in the article I linked to above.

I know of no one, outside of Washington and who has read this bill, who thinks this is a good idea. Yet, President Obama has said he will sign it today.

He hasn't signed it yet. Americans who are reading this, please join me in calling and emailing the White House to state an objection to this bill. Preferably calling. Phone calls are harder to ignore and if the system is flooded perhaps the White House staff will get a clue and pass it on to the President before he signs.

It's not much, but it's worth my 10 minutes to exercise my voice as a citizen. I'm tired of shrugging and saying 'them's the breaks'.

ETA: Contact info for the White House is here.
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