What Can Make Me Feel This Way? - Standalone

Sep 27, 2009 01:13

Title: What Can Make Me Feel This Way?
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rydon
Summary: If you saw the size of the bug that attacked Ryan Ross, you would be screaming too. Thankfully Ryan has Brendon there.
Disclaimer: This is fictional.
Beta: My friend Ids who doesn't have an LJ
Author Note: A bug attacked me a while back. Since then I've wanted to write a fic on it. Title from The Temptations.

A shriek echoed through the hallway of the one bedroom apartment. It sounded suspiciously female, but Brendon Urie knew differently. He'd heard that voice enough times by now to know the person behind it was not a teen girl but rather none other than Ryan Ross. Not that there was much difference between a teen girl and Ryan Ross on some days. He may have given up the makeup, but the way he organized his closet and dresser drawers made Brendon question his boyfriend's sanity. Unless you had half an hour to spare Brendon suggested against asking Ryan about his organizational system when it came to his scarves; he never understood why paisley and plaid could not be put next to each other. Either way Brendon was no longer allowed to touch Ryan's clothes unless it was to help take them off when things started getting heavy between the two of them. Other than that it was strictly off limits ever since Brendon accidentally shrunk half of Ryan's wardrobe. He didn't mean to, honest.

Rushing down the hallway, Brendon skidded into the bedroom the pair shared. The first thing he noticed was the bump underneath the blanket on the bed that hadn't been there when he made the bed earlier in the morning.

"What's wrong, Ross?" Brendon asked, partially relieved that he didn't walk in on his boyfriend surrounded on a puddle of blood on the floor, or perhaps up against the wall with a gun pointed at him, or… maybe Ryan was right, Brendon needed to spend less of his time watching movies. They tended to plant over dramatic ideas into his mind.

The blob of blanket shifted, and there was a pause before the response came out muttered and sounding almost ashamed. "Nothing."

Brendon waited all of two seconds to let Ryan change his mind and give the real reason before he jumped up onto the bed and pounced on the huddled blanketed form. He wrapped his arms as best as he could around the curled up boy underneath him. "Liar. Terrible terrible liar. Pants on fire. Liars go to hell you know. You shouldn't lie cause I don't want you going to hell. Then who would entertain me in heaven?" Brendon happily nuzzled the blanket. The fact that there was ever a shriek was forgotten as Brendon was too distracted by his close proximity to Ryan and the fact that they were almost nearly cuddling.

Brendon ignored the grumbling as Ryan slowly poked his head out from underneath the heavy blanket. Almost like a turtle, Brendon thought. He had plenty of experience of coaxing Ryan out of his shell in the past. He peeled back more of the blanket before pressing a kiss to Ryan's lips. "There was a bug," Ryan admitted, and Brendon immediately put a hand over his own mouth to try and stop the laughter. His attempt failed.

"A bug?" Brendon said. His voice was squeaky and his eyes were gleaming with amusement. Ryan always tried to act big and tough, as if nothing could touch him or hurt him. Brendon knew it was all just an act, and having proof every once in a while that Ryan was human was reassuring.

"Shut up," Ryan scowled, sitting up and shoving Brendon off of him. Brendon couldn't contain the laughter any longer and much to Ryan's dismay started giggling a moment later. "Stop it with the giggling, you're not five."

It took a minute for the brunette singer to compose himself. "Sorry," Brendon cleared his throat, trying not to smile, "Must've been terrifying for you."

"Shut it!" Ryan threw a pillow at Brendon who easily deflected it by holding his arms up, "You weren't there. You didn't see it. It was - OH MY GOD IT'S BACK!" A large black bug buzzed near Ryan's head for a second before Ryan ducked back underneath the blanket and curled into a smaller ball than before. "KILL IT! KILL IT NOW!"

Brendon watched as a winged bug landed on the wall above the head board of the bed. "Kill it?" He asked in order to reaffirm what Ryan had said, "You're a fail hippie you know that? I thought hippies were supposed to be all about nature and peace and love."

"I'm a modern hippie," Ryan corrected, "There's a difference… and bugs don't deserve peace and love anyway. They're evil." As much as he knew Ryan would loathe to be seen like this, Brendon wished more people could. It was different behind closed doors and when it was just the two of them. Not many understood that. Brendon shook his head at what Ryan was saying, but he didn't try and argue over it. If Ryan wanted to be a bug hating modern hippie then Brendon would support that. It was hard enough to pinpoint what Ryan was anyway; he was constantly changing himself so that he wouldn't have to be like anyone else.

Crawling over to the wall, Brendon cupped a hand over where the bug was and slowly inched the creature towards the open window. He didn't want to kill the poor bug, but he knew Ryan would suffer from some sort of aneurysm if it stayed in the room any longer and he didn't want that to happen. Losing his boyfriend at such a young age wasn't part of the long term plan Brendon had constructed in his mind. Using both hands he captured the insect quickly and held his hands outside the window to set it free. After it took flight he quickly shut the window pane to make sure no other bugs would try and make a home of their small apartment.

"Big bad bug is gone," Brendon sang in as he crawled back into the bed and pulled the covers off Ryan. Ryan looked around the room to confirm what Brendon said. Not able to find the bug the boy visibly relaxed. Brendon kept smiling. "I'm your hero now."

"You are not my hero," Ryan answered, trying to act tough again, "It was just a bug."

"Oh yeah, and that's why you were screaming like a girl."

"I do not scream like a girl."

Brendon gave Ryan a look, almost impressed with his boyfriend's level of denial. "You're a girl Ryan Rossy." Brendon smiled, throwing his arms around Ryan and kissing him again, "But you're my girl."

pairing: rydon, rating: pg, standalone

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