Ok I redid it, and that's more like it. I've always wanted to do something law related, police officer mostly.
1. Paralegal
2. Editor
3. Criminologist
4. Statistician
5. Podiatrist
6. Dispatcher
7. Market Research Analyst
8. Actuary
9. Bus Driver
10. Mediator
11. Police Officer
12. Court Clerk
13. Driving Instructor
14. Optometrist
15. Nanny
16. Taxi Driver
17. Transit Operator
18. Paramedic
19. Adoption Counselor
20. Legal Secretary
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results
1. Tailor / Dressmaker
2. Electrician
3. Gunsmith
4. Prosthetist / Orthotist
5. Dental Lab Tech
6. Sign Maker
7. Driving Instructor
8. Podiatrist
9. Massage Therapist
10. Bicycle Mechanic