oh how i miss waking up to the sound of your voice

Jul 25, 2008 05:15


So, life. Ups and downs.

I forgot to eat before I went to sleep last night so I woke up with super low blood sugar and could barely stand up. It took a while before I was able to throw something in the oven for myself.

Ledd and I hung out today. Ah well, it was more like I gave him some company while he was running errands. I embarrass him EVERY time he goes to the bank by claiming loudly that he is a male stripper (he gets paid mostly in singles as a bar back). Gaah, he also has about $60 dollars in quarters at home, so crazy! I kind of just messed around on his computer while he counted out his change.

Hung out at his place, ate, played with kitties. Pancake is a sneaky, sneaky ninja cat :) Trying to steal my food and all. Then I got home at 6 and passed out until about midnight. I don't know what it is about my diet that's making me so tired lately. I thought I was getting enough protein :( Guess not.

Tomorrow is the NAVA meeting and Josh's BBQ deal. I wanna go, but with the tolls driving to Long Island is $18 ;_; Plus gas and all...but it will be soooo much fun! Mario Kart Wii tournament...I haven't played the game yet but should I enter? Decisions, decisions.

I should try to get a little more sleep since I have work tomorrow. I wonder if anyone fixed the disc resurfacer? It wasn't working properly on Wednesday...Oh! I can't remember if I wrote about hanging out with Colin on Monday. Hanging out with him at Richie's Music Store just made me want to get a new acoustic. We had a conversation about how most girls are effing crazy. He took a nap and this girl FLIPPED OUT and left a message on his phone every five minutes asking why he wasn't picking up, and at the end of three hours was convinced that he was cheating on her when he was just taking a nap. Eric's ex takes the crazy cake with beating the shit out of him because he wouldn't show her a text.

Why are girls so insecure that they can't trust their boyfriends? It drives me crazy to hear stories from my guy friends, who are nice people.

The point is, ice cream with Colin was fun :) No sense thinking about things that only make me frustrated, ne? I was supposed to go to Matt's after for a party but I was exhausted! Too bad, Melissa put up the photos on facebook and it looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Matt didn't tell me it was a pool party though, so it would have been kind of lame for me anyway (without a bathing suit and all).

Mmm so tired. Time for the sleep. Looking forward to this weekend: Work, NAVA, possibly party, and possibly going to the flea market on Sunday with this totally hot guy I know ;)

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