Nov 18, 2005 15:19
I've been listening to Matisyahu lately, he's a hasidic Jew reggae singer, and is really good suprisingly, not just for his novelty value. I was reading his bio and his life is really a compelling story, he was much of a burnout in junior high school, never really amounted to anything, then found that beatboxing and rapping was fun. Then he took a trip to Colorado and it opened his eyes to the whole world that's out there that he'd been missing out on. Then he took his first trip to Jerusalem where he connecting this new found curiousity to God, then returned home discouraged he couldn't connect to religion the way he could in Jerusalem, and dropped out of high school. then yadda yadda yadda, went back to college, found a crew to rap with and is now huge.
Just reading that made me realize that nothing has a straight path, as most everyone knows that i have this belief that most all decisions are predetermined, but the path chosen to get there is completely up to us (symbolism behind my infinity tattoo) and this story really proven that to me. Whether it's a career, a man/woman, religion, everything we need to reach is always possible and in our grasps, no matter what hardships and turmoils we have to endure to reach that. I don't know, just wanted to write my ideas.
in other news my water pump went on my car and the muffler is getting holes so it sounds like i'm running a V8 turbo, new muffler for christmas, hopefully it'll last me till next summer :(