a quiz

Oct 14, 2006 01:15

The readers' task? Identify the word that goes in the blank.

"The Humble Petition and Address of Several Thousands of Buxome Good-Women, Languishing in Extremity of Want.

"Sheweth, that since 'tis Reckon'd amongst the Glories of our Native Country, To be A Paradise for Women: The same in our Apprehensions can consist in nothing more than the brisk Activity of our men, who in former Ages were justly esteemed the Ablest Performers in Christendom; But to our unspeakable Grief, we find of late a very sensible Decay of the true Old English Vigour; our Gallants being every way Frenchified, that they are become meer Cock-sparrows, fluttering things that come on Sa fa, with a world of Fury, but are not able to stand to it, and in the very first Charge fall down flat before us.
"The Occasion of which Insufferable Disaster, after a serious Enquiry, and Discussion of the Point by the Learned of the Faculty, we can Attribute to nothing more than the Excessive use of that Newfangled, Abominable, Heathenish Liquor called ______, which Riffling Nature of her Choicest Treasures, and Drying up the Radical Moisture, has so Eunucht our Husbands, and Crippled our more kind gallants, that they are become as Impotent, as Age, and as unfruitful as those Desarts whence that....
"They come from it with nothing moist but their snotty Noses, nothing stiffe but their Joints, nor standing but their Ears: They pretend 'twill keep them waking, but we find by scurvy Experience, they sleep quietly enough after it."

Side note: oh boy did the LJ spell check love this post. Amazingly, it looks like I got everything right. Or at least, faithful to the original. ;-)
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