(no subject)

Dec 25, 2005 07:19

Fact of the Day: Christmas

Christmas is from the Old English words Cristes maesse, "the mass or festival of Christ." The first celebration took place in Rome about the middle of the fourth century. The exact date of the Nativity is not known, but even in pre-Christian times the period from December 25 to January 6 - now known as "The Twelve Days of Christmas" - was considered a special time of year. The abbreviation Xmas, thought as sacrilegious by some, is entirely appropriate. The letter X (chi) is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ.

Also: On this day in 336 - The first recorded celebration of Christmas on December 25 took place in Rome. Church fathers designated December 25th, the birthday of the popular pagan god Mithras, as Jesus's official birth date. The celebration of the birth of Christ also took over the pagan winter solstice holiday, which like the birthday of the sun god Mithras, fell in late December. From thereon, December 25 was to be observed at a holy mass, or "Christ's Mass."

Merry Christmas everyone!

I'm off to my aunt and uncle's for the day.

I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas.

I realised that I never thanked those who sent me and Ray cards this year, so thanks to: valkyriejack, urxprettyxkitty, queenie_writes, lizzardd, goddesstiffany, and g_crusher! We really appreciated receiving all those beautiful cards.

PS: g_crusher (I don't know when/if you'll read this) but your card made it through, even being addresses to Canadaland. :)

fact of the day, christmas cards

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