Oct 27, 2006 08:13
Ok, I know it has almost been exactly a year since I last posted anything in my LJ, and this is certainly not earth shaking enough of a post to be worthy of breaking this drought, but I was pondering in that Grinchy sort of way that I do, and realized a few things:
A) I need a new laptop. This is not news to anybody, including myself. Mine is at least a decade old, pentium II for gods sake, and probably has more bugs and virii running on it than applications. This leads to...
B) It took me almost a year to finally settle on a model of Ipaq I wanted. Laptops have an almost geometric number of choices and options when compared to a pocket PC. And knowing me, I will still be trying to decid come a decade from now. Thus...
I NEED HELP! I need suggestions for laptop models, not only good companies, but also model numbers, etc. Once given a model number, I am more than happy to check epinions and the like myself to see if it meets my admittedly limited needs. I only need the laptop to be able to do a couple of things:
1) Interface with handheld (thus must be a PC)
2) Have a DVD drive to play movies
3) Be able to handle streaming video
4) be under $1000 (prefer around $500)
So, any suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated. And, please, no "go check out [insert store here] for great offers", as this would do me little good. Remember, I am the mule that starved to death between two piles of hay. I need ONE specific suggestion (or even a handful) from each of you knowledgeable computer types.
Thanks for your time,
skippy the undecided