(no subject)

Jan 07, 2006 23:25

wow.... its been a while since i've been online, and I never even noticed... *shrugs* OH I heard some folk were trying to get in touch with me.... 228-604-0071 simple. i'm working tomorrow 11-8,9-6,off,9-6,off and a bucketfull of 2-1030's after that. yar.

For those who haven't found out yet.
I'm dating Jessica...
known by some as Chandra...
and yes, we're happy.
if you have bad things to say, please keep them to yourself.
because remember, just because a person has bad personality traits doesn't make them a bad person, just a good person who can be a pain in the ass...... and i know ALL my friends fall under that category, the reason they are still my friends is because I A) Care alot about them and B) ignore and work past them when they are being tards....but because they're being tards does NOT exclude them from my friendship. it just shows that no matter how different we are from eachother,.... we're all the same on the inside.

btw, throwing up so hard that you break bloodvessels in your face at work is BAD.

still not as bad as the last time i did it though, when i broke vessels in both eyes....morbid fear of going blind anyone?

anyway. LURVES JOO ALL. and call me sometime fuckers. i usually have thursdays off.... but thursday night is game night, so i'm free all mornin and afternoon till...5pm. check. CALL. and stuff,...cuz i miss you guys....and girls... and squirrells.
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