man im gay

Feb 20, 2005 19:12

* How well do you know yourself *

Created by jennifer219 and taken 1070 times on bzoink!
* The Basics *Name:GinaNicknames:Skippy, Gina DBirthday:10.14.1986Place Of Birth:Cambridge, MassEye Color:hazelBody Ills + SkillsDo you bite your nails?yesCan you roll your tongue?noDo you have any habits?yesHave you colored your hair?yesDo you have any tatoos? Where?noWhich Shoe Goes on First?rightHow many cereals are in your cabinet?4Do you Cook?noGroomingHow often do you brush your teeth?every dayHow often do you shower or bathe?every dayDo you swear?yesDo you mumble to yourself?yesDo you swear?yesDo You sleep Walk?noName one thing your obsessed with:codyWindow seat or aisle?window seatDo You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?sometimesDo you fall asleep with the TV or Radio on?noWhen Was The Last Time You...Watched Bambi?3 years agoTalked on The Phone?a few hours agoRead A book?to long to remember
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