Jul 14, 2010 20:14
So when something major comes into my life I get totally consumed by it at first. Then I push it away and act like everything is ok and just be optimistic.
So now, with so much going on in my life that I can't control I am pushing it out. See the thing is I feel guilty about pushing things away and not being consumed by them. I feel people judge me and think I am heartless or what have you. No. Not anymore. I am over it. From now on you like me, support me and want to be in my life OR you can go jump in a lake. I have dealt with a lot of crap that made me sad and feel bad about myself....and now I am kinda over it.
So - be good to me or I'm done with you. Spoken like a real Puerto Rican woman.
With that statement out, I am officially going to move on with my life in many many ways.