i forgot how to start an entry ^^; so let's just get to it hahah
This is for
lost_girl11 as she tagged me a few days ago :)
1) List 4 fandoms you have.
- Arashi
- err, sorry, that's my only fandom :)
2) Have you ever slept in the back of a car?
- well of course!
3) Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it?
- not recently. but i want to cut my bangs again though... it's been getting on my way.
4) List four people that you look up to most.
- i don't know how to answer to these kinds of question
5) How many pets do you own as of now?
- i've never had any pets
6) Which do you prefer white or black?
- hmm... white? yes, white.
7) Who is your most played character?
- as in most played character in games? like video games? uhh then none cuz i don't play those ^^;
8) Choose one or the other, not both:
- what kind of question is this?? ONE then.
9) Name three aspects that tell who you are.
- lazy
- wishywashy
10) If you could have a power what would it be?
- TELEPORTATION! :DD i used to want to be a mind reader, but teleportation is much more fun!! ..just imagining it that is hahah
11) Who was the last person you talked to?
- either my mom or my sister
12) Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
- Sho? hahahah
13) Write down the first five words that pop into your mind:
- lollipop (cuz it has the word pop!!)
- write
- five
- words
- red (okay this one came out of nowhere)
14) What's one thing you wish you could do better?
- cooking
15) Do you like the way you are?
- i guess. but there's always room for improvement.
16) Choose, Summer or Winter:
- winter cuz of the snow, and i prefer the cold than the intense heat
17) Choose, Rain or Snow:
- i just said i like snow :D
18) Water or Ice?
- WATER!! ..if talking about the weather, i prefer having rain that sleet.. i just HATE ice on the streets. ice is not snow D:
19) List two odd things about yourself:
- i always bite my straw. i try not to but always fail. so when i finish my drink, the top of the straw is always deformed ^^;
- if liver is the only "parts of animals" left to eat in this world, i would become a vegiterian. (okay so i stole this from someone but i think so too!!)
* uhm ..i dont think they're odd but i'm pretty normal, so, really there's nothing special.
20) Now tag 6 other people who should do this quiz.
- ahh... YOU! whoever is reading and wants to do it. i know by saying that that no one will probably do it. but seriously, if you're bored or something. just do it? ^^;;
so i started working *whoo* yep.. thursday was my first day. but you know what surprises me? is that i was not still sleepy at all when i had to wake up at 5 am. considering for who knows how many months i've always slept at around that hour. maybe not yet...
man is there a lot of indo people there hahahah. well i knew that, it's just weird seeing them all cramped in one place (not that i haven't seen that sight before HAHAH).. so i was waiting in line waiting for my supervisor or anyone to help me get settled and everything because apparently they teach you NOTHING at the orientation. just paper stuff like hazardous materials and what you do in case of an emergency o_O 5 freakin hours just on that. i thought they'd at least teach you how to put on your gown and cap and face mask... but nope, i don't even know where those things are. but thankfully there's this lady who was helping me with everything. anyway anyway back to the part where i was waiting in line.
woman: "you don't go to school?"
me: "eheh.. not yet :)"
woman: "yea cuz you look so young! you look 14!"
....i take that as a compliment :D it's just that i've never really been told i look younger than my age, always older. so yes, that was kinda nice to hear LOOL
anyway, so people have said that my supervisor is evil DX i don't know myself since we've never really talked to each other, but he sure looks like it. the only time i've heard him speak is when he decided which job i should do. about my job....... i knew this isn't gonna be the most exciting job as it's VERY repetitive and boring, and well, it is hahahah. but can't complain much since it's the easiest thing to do, AND you get to sit, and you know.. they pay you. but i usually stand because it gets the job done faster and sitting down just gets uncomfortable after a while.
so basically i have to put this two fairly small objects into a little box for packaging. after a while, those little "headsets", they call it, started to look like a small dog, like an iDog!! hahah. and my first day i dropped about 5 of those on the floor T__T but yesterday i only dropped 1 (or 2) yay i'm improving already XDDD the person that i work with, my trainer, says that i should ask to be move to do something else. like the headline or tubeline. and i KINDA want to since they work alone? and don't have to depend on the machine that sometimes STOP which leaves you nothing to do BUT clean the station. apparently they put me there cuz i'm replacing this one girl... they said she works super fast but drops about 25 of those headsets thing on the floor each day. they also said she did it on purpose though just so that they'd move her someplace else. and my trainer says i should do that too so that they'd put me to a better place XDD i like her, my trainer, also a fellow indo... but the one in front of me (also indo btw) is rather annoying >_<;
oh yeah, the sticky gloves. i hate those gloves. i put on the small ones, and they get sweaty. then i tried the medium one, and it fits nicely BUT it gets pinched by those headsets sometimes. but the most annoying thing is that at the end of the day, when i'm already at home, i can still feel the gloves sticking tightly to hands... and the cap on my head.
but you know... i can't complain much -_-; cuz everything else is fine.. so far.
i watched the Pursuit of Happyness last night. now THAT's what you call keras kehidupan... since i've been hearing that phrase everywhere lately hahah. it's a really good movie. and the kid is so cuute. and to think that Will Smith was the guy in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air XDD WHY wouldn't you watch those kinds of movie?? how can you not like it? it's certainly is better than just the THOUGHT of watching "Superbad" DX