Had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun with my family here, but now that's over and I'm back to work. I'm still enjoying myself immensely but the hours are longer than they have been lately. And the last two days were extremely too hot. Luckily it's starting to cool down here, HURRAY! We had a giant thunderstorm today, and that was fun. And we're going to be somewhere in the 70s for the rest of the week. Woo hoo!
So today was good. I did nothing other than go to class and watch the whole first season of The Big Bang Theory. Huzzah! Also here, have some pictures of my friends and me at the Not So Scary Party!
The four of us waiting to get our faces painted!
Tada! Look how pretty we are. With our Fantasy Eyes!
We have too much fun.
And Hilary and I met the Mad Hatter! I love him.
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. I am so srs buziness.
So is Captain Decay. He scared Valerie. And Megan.
Popcorns and smiles!
End of the night, on the monorail. The end!