May 07, 2006 23:32
So I guess I'd played some slight of hand upon to myself and when did I lose any sense of normal grammar ok. So I guess in segmenting everything and in spreading myself all over my own self like some impossible levitation (still magic is still) I hadn't exactly noticed that I was about to uproot myself from most aspects of my life, blenderize for a moment and then squeeze into a new and unfamiliar container. Extracting more metaphors is all I can do, gosh gizosh. So the exciting thing is I'm leaving in a week and a half and that leaves me with very little time to do so many necessary things beforehand and I'd also like to see whoever I can. The details of the upcoming week include submitting the rest of my school transfer crap, a lot of guilt about leaving work, oh right awesomely this guy is going to work with the band (still a nameless wonder despite my best attempts) to record a demo for them to push out while I'm away. So hopefully we'll have some shows by the time I get back. Have to do all this ass late at night because the band in the space right next to us is ungodly noisy. The other band next to us might be protocol? This also means me buckling my ass down and learning how to play guitar properly for a day. Also, badger badger badger. Also, dangerous things can happen if Kevin and I are left to our own devices. I pray prices drop within the next day or two but god only helps those who help themselves so perhaps we'll help ourselves to some siphoned gasoline. Anyone who hasn't should check out Colbert's appearance at the white house correspondents dinner, I can't believe I forgot to mention that.